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There's Beauty in Your NOW!

One of my most prominent prayer points this year has been “Lord, Beautify My Life.” I want to see God’s beauty radiate throughout all aspects of my life. However, as I go through life and face many difficult situations, it can become harder and harder to realize God’s beauty. It’s always hard to see God when your vision is blurry – and sometimes the blurriness is caused by life situations, pains, and confusion.

Morgan Takae in a Garden holding a flower

When we can’t fully see what God is doing in our life and face blow after blow, we can internalize defeat and feel that life is all bad or pain. But honestly, it isn’t. The beauty really lies in the MOMENTS.

This idea reminds me of Jesus because we only saw three years of Jesus’ ministry. We saw his beginnings, a little of his childhood, and then his manhood in ministry. However, we were never privileged enough to see his in-between. I believe that’s where the beauty happened. Imagine how many times Jesus had to multiply five fish and two loaves of bread in His own home, maybe because money was tight. Imagine the healings, miracles, and signs He worked in private that the Bible never noted. There’s beauty in moments, but many of our most beautiful moments aren’t captured, seen, or remarked on.

I recently posted a reel on Instagram when this blog post was brewing in me. I knew I had so much to say and wanted to reveal the beauty that has taken place in my life this year. But even the moments I captured aren’t the totality of the beauty I’ve experienced. The most beautiful moments in your life aren’t captured or usually on public display. I remember breakdowns I’ve had in private that led to breakthroughs – that’s beautiful. Or good conversations with close friends, sharing intimate ideas, feelings, and dreams – that’s beautiful.

I’m truly writing this post as an encouragement. I know you’re surrounded by a lot of ugly things right now. You’re probably facing situations that make you question your faith and forget who you are in Christ, but the truth is this – there’s beauty in the midst of your ugly situation. God is still being glorified. Perhaps the ugly you are facing is to properly orchestrate the beauty you’ve yet to behold. Don’t forget that all you see isn’t all there is to see. God is beautifying you, and He’s beautifying your life. Be encouraged and know that greater, sweeter, and completely marvelous things are happening and will happen in your life! Don’t let go, and don’t give up. God is up to something beautiful!

“To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.” – Isaiah 61:3



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