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She Who Wept: God Regards Our Tears!

Morgan Takae bowing on her knees in worship

Over the past few years, I've found myself in tears, during prayer, praise, worship, and mere reflection. Through this, I simply learned my tears touch the heart of God. God regards our tears!

Psalm 56:8 TPT – "You've kept track of all my wandering and my weeping. You've stored my many tears in your bottle—not one will be lost. For they are all recorded in your book of remembrance."

This scripture is powerful because the same God that casts our sins in the sea of forgetfulness records our tears in His book of remembrance. Yesterday, I determined in my heart to break my alabaster box for my Lord and King. There's a level of brokenness you get to where even words don't suffice.

Depending on your season, you can be broken one way or another. I remember when life broke me. I never understood the depth of Christ's care for me until my grandmother passed away. Her death sent me on an emotional rollercoaster I wasn't yet prepared for and set me on a path of emotional instability. I genuinely believe that grief unlocked a new low for me emotionally. I wasn't just sad, I was angry, frustrated, confused, and distressed. My feelings swirled and swirled in me internally until I became numb. I found that numbness often indicates that what's happening to us is so overwhelming to process that we choose not to experience it. Instead of processing the various emotions I was feeling, I turned it off.

One day, perhaps about a month after she passed, I sat on the edge of my bed and wept. I wanted to pray, but I had nothing to say. All I had were my tears. I didn't understand what was happening. I had no impressive prayer points or warfare tongues. I had tears. There comes a point in life where you may be reduced to tears. But the sweetest thing is that your tears are enough to gain God's attention...

I can say that was one of the breaking points during my season of grief. I'd come to a point where I didn't understand but had enough. I thought, God, my life can't be full of grief alone. Something has to give, and I can't change it; only you can...and He did.

Yesterday, I broke my alabaster box in worship. I was overwhelmed by tears, this time by decision. Worship broke me, and I gave it all I had.

This idea of breaking your alabaster box in worship can be seen in Luke 7:37-38 NIV, "A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and poured perfume on them."

The woman this scripture mentions came to Jesus with something precious. Based on biblical knowledge, this alabaster jar of perfume was worth a significant amount of money — it's safe to say this woman came to Jesus with all or most of what she had. She had a revelation of Jesus and decided to break before Him. She broke in repentance and sacrifice. She knew she wasn't worthy, yet she praised Him anyway. Her intention was total surrender and complete worship.

May I propose that God's heart desire for us in our own brokenness is to come to Him with intention? What if all you had left was enough for God to work a miracle in your life? I believe this woman never returned to her sinful life after this encounter with God. She was transformed and redeemed!

At the end of the chapter, it says, "Then Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith in me has given you life. Now you may leave and walk in the ways of peace." Luke 7:50 TPT

This woman's life was transformed because she was forgiven! God gave her new life because of her faith...she was faith-filled and repentant enough to come to Jesus in her brokenness. The most significant test of your faith is in your place of brokenness.

A weeping woman is one that's on the brink of redemption. God will redeem your time, money, strength, sacrifice, relationships, and so much more if you can trust Him with the brokenness in you.

We do not always understand the depths of our pain, confusion, or anguish, but we serve a God who understands. My prayer for you today is that you'd give God all you have. Come in your brokenness! Come with your broken heart, your broken family issues, your broken strength, your broken emotions, your broken educational situation...whatever your brokenness is, our God has a solution for you. God doesn't need the fake "have it all together" version of you, He needs the authentic version of you — the one who feels hurt, weak, and confused.

If in coming to God, tears come, let them flow. Maybe, just maybe, those tears he's collecting are the very ones watering the garden of your great harvest!



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